Human Right Research Cambodia – CSHL


From July to December 2020, the Center’s researcher and librarian were selected along with other Cambodian authors to participate in the first RWI Multi-Country Research on COVID-19, Gender and Human Rights. They co-authored a research on the right to higher education and gendered impacts of COVID-19 by conducting small scale empirical research with female lecturers and students at higher education institutions in Cambodia. Through the program, they participated in the first webinar on 28 August to have the first introductory meeting and to present their research plan and scope with other participants. They were able to produce drafts and receive constructive comments from RWI research mentors. Further, the second webinar, held on 19-20 November 2020, was organized for authors to present their paper in panels and receive feedback from the discussant. After receiving final feedback and proofreading support, they have submitted the final draft of their paper to the RWI which will be published in the e-book or as a standalone paper. This initiative has been jointly implemented by seven RWI programmes (Belarus, Cambodia, China, Ethiopia, Turkey, Regional Africa, Zimbabwe) in close collaboration with RWI partners and aims at contributing to a better understanding of gendered human rights impacts of Covid-19 crisis by producing and disseminating evidence-based knowledge on this subject.

Link to the Publication