Event Start Date: 1 November, 2021 | Event End Date: 1 November, 2021 | Event Venue: |
CSHL hosted and organized its 5th Annual Conference on Comparative Human Rights Law on 20 December 2019, at RULE. The conference included three panel discussions under the themes: (1) gender and the right to food, (2) transitional justice and (3) women in contemporary society.
It was a great honor of CSHL that the open remarks were open by the managements of RULE, ELBBL, RWI and CSHL. The keynote speech on “Transforming Gender Paradigms in Cambodia through Human Rights Research” was conducted by Ms. Katrina Natale from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law (Berkeley Law).
Finally, the conference could not successfully complete without generous support from RULE, RWI, and our partners particularly Demeter Project.
The objectives of the Conference were to:
– Provide an opportunity for academics and researchers to present their research findings or working papers for constructive review and feedback;
– Increase awareness, knowledge and understanding of recent human rights and humanitarian issues in Cambodia among students, academics, and legal professionals;
– Encourage broader discussion of human rights and humanitarian law issues;
– Share information and innovative, original ideas addressing human rights issues and identify future areas of research and/or reforms;
– Distribute internationally published research papers by the Center’s researchers and other partner institutions;
– Promote academic culture and human rights research in Cambodia; and
– Enable professional networking among people of similar interests.