Human Right Research Cambodia – CSHL


Event Start Date:7 October, 2022Event End Date:7 October, 2022Event Venue:Conference Booklet-2022   Theme: Human Rights and Gender   Theme: Human Rights and COVID-19   Theme: Rule of Law Photo Gallery                                                   […]

The Visits of International Lecturer

Event Start Date:20 September, 2022Event End Date:20 September, 2022Event Venue:Dr. Ly is a professor at Vitoria University in Canada. She …..

Moot Court Competition

Event Start Date:1 November, 2021Event End Date:1 November, 2021Event Venue:On 23-24 November 2019, a total of 08 teams from RULE participated in the 10th IHL Moot Competition National Selection Round, hosted by National University of Management (NUM) and organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Cambodia. As a result, RULE students won Best […]

The 10th Global Alliance for Justice Education Conference (GAJE)

Event Start Date:1 November, 2021Event End Date:1 November, 2021Event Venue:From December 4 to 10, 2019, Hing Vandenath, CSHL Researcher, attended the Trainer of Training on “Justice Education” held at the University of Pasunda, Indonesia. Other participants from Cambodia were judges, prosecutors, lawyers under the support of RWI in Cambodia. The conference provides a forum for […]


Event Start Date:1 November, 2021Event End Date:1 November, 2021Event Venue:Under the organizing and supporting by RWI in Cambodia and China, the seminar on Business and Human Rights was held from December 12 to 14, 2019, at Mahidol University, Thailand. CSHL researcher Hing Vandenath attended the training, together with professors and researchers from the universities of […]

5th CSHL Annual Conference

Event Start Date:1 November, 2021Event End Date:1 November, 2021Event Venue:CSHL hosted and organized its 5th Annual Conference on Comparative Human Rights Law on 20 December 2019, at RULE. The conference included three panel discussions under the themes: (1) gender and the right to food, (2) transitional justice and (3) women in contemporary society. It was […]

Women in Law

Event Start Date:1 November, 2021Event End Date:1 November, 2021Event Venue:On Monday, 23 December 2019, CSHL in collaboration with the Handa Center, and with the generous support of the British Embassy in Cambodia, organized the “Women in the Law: Community of Practice (CoP) Concluding Event”. This event was held with the purpose of giving participants of […]

Agreement Signing Ceremony (2019-2020)

Event Start Date:1 November, 2021Event End Date:1 November, 2021Event Venue:Agreement signing ceremony between CSHL and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI) on 18 February 2019 at the Royal University of Law and Economics. CSHL is committed to further contributing to the promotion of HR and IHL education in Cambodia through its various activities.